
Fagforbundet (The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees) first strike meeting at the Royal Garden Hotel.
LO Stat members on strike. (LO Stat = Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions. Government employees)
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Joint strike meeting at the main square in Trondheim for members of the trade unions on strike.
Fagforbundet strike meeting at Studentersamfundet. (Studentersamfundet = Student Society in Trondheim)
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Joint strike meeting at the main square in Trondheim for members of the trade unions on strike.
UNIO members on strike. (UNIO = Confederation of Unions for Professionals, Norway)
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Joint strike meeting at the main square in Trondheim for members of the trade unions on strike.
Fagforbundet members on strike. (Fagforbundet = The Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees)
Strike concert in the main square in Trondheim.
Joint strike meeting at the main square in Trondheim for members of the trade unions on strike.
Joint strike meeting at the main square in Trondheim for members of the trade unions on strike.

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